The beipiaosaurus was a feathered saurischian dinosaur member of the theropods order and to the Therizionosaurids family (omnivorous theropod dinosaurs with 3 claws on their forelimbs). Main picture link: The beipiaosaurus lived during the early Cretaceous 125 million years ago. Its first fossil has been found in China in the city of Beipiao (that’sContinua a leggere “BEIPIAOSAURUS”


The tyrannosaurus rex, also known as tyrannosaurus or most simply as t-rex, is the most famous dinosaur known. This dinosaur was one of the biggest land predator that ever walked on Earth. It was 13-14 ft long, 6 ft tall and its weight reached the 6-8 tons. Main picture link: The t-rex was SaurischianContinua a leggere “TYRANNOSAURUS REX”


Spinosaurus has been the biggest land predator of ever. It was 37 mt long, 7 mt tall and its weight was 7,5 t. Link main picture: The spinosaurus was a saurischian dinosaur (all the dinosaurs with the reptilian pelvis), a theropod  (the carniovuros dinosaurs who had the reptilian pelvis and that was bipedal andContinua a leggere “SPINOSAURUS”